What are cookies?
Cookies are small files that are stored on your computer. They are designed to collect a modest amount of data specific to you and a website. They can be accessed either via the web server or the client computer. The cookies allow the server to deliver a page tailored to you, or the page itself can contain some script which is aware of the data in the cookie and so is able to carry information from one visit to the website (or related site) to the next. More information regarding cookies can be found at https://cookiepedia.co.uk.
How do we use cookies?
We use cookies to help differentiate between you and the thousands of customers who visit our website daily. Primarily, we use them to save you time by pre-filling basic identification details onto our forms, such as your registration number, address, phone number(s) or preferences you may have previously selected when visiting us.
Some users find the use of cookies intrusive. If you like, you can change the way cookies are used on your computer by adjusting the settings in your web browser. You will be given options to delete, block or allow cookies to varying degrees. You will also be given the option to either automatically clear cookies once the browser has been closed or to browse the internet using an ‘incognito’, mode that does not store any user data or history. Instructions on how to do this can be found within your web browser’s ‘Help’, section.
What cookies do we use?
Beneath is a list of the cookies we use on our website and a short explanation describing their function.
Bing Ads
Bing Ads is a conversion tracking cookie. Whenever a customer clicks an advertisement that takes them to our website, an identifying serial number is then sent to the relevant ‘thank-you’, page. By informing us how many people have selected it, the Bing Ads cookie enable us to know how successful an advert has been.
ClickTale is a web analytics cookie. It enables us to better understand how our customers interact with our website by logging their behavior. Any text inputted by the customer is logged, as are mouse movements and clicks. ClickTale does not record any of the user, s personal data.
Facebook Social Plugins
Facebook Social Plugins are cookies provided by the social network. If a customer has accessed our site via their Facebook profile page, it gives them the option of easily sharing or commenting on an article with their friends.
Google Adwords Conversions
Google Adwords is a conversion tracking cookie. It gives us an idea of how often a customer, directed to our website via an online advertisement, actually decides to contract us for a service or MOT. Primarily, it functions as a guide as to how effective our advertising on Google is.
Google Analytics
Google Analytics is a web analytics cookie. It gives us a better understanding of how customers use our website. This allows us to make changes to improve the customer experience when visiting servicingStop.co.uk. It also helps us to tailor our offers and discounts to what we feel benefit our customers most. Google Analytics reveals how customers were directed to us, which of our articles they read, how long they spent on their visit, which of our marketing campaigns engaged them, and how often they have returned since. Google Analytics cookies are totally autonomous, and the personal information we receive from them is confidential to Garage Services 4 u and is not shared with Google.
Google Dynamic Remarketing
Google Dynamic Remarketing is a creative strategy cookie. If a customer has viewed a specific item, article or service during a visit to our website, this cookie will place strategic advertising concerning that product on other sites they view.
Google+ Platform
Google+ is a cookie for the social networking platform. This cookie enables users to quickly share content from our website with their friends.