Please be aware the Saver Rate option must be booked 12 weeks in advance.

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Our Partner/Supplier Procurement Policy (Updated Jan 2023)

County Coaches (UK) LLP T/A, Theobolds Coaches & Holidays Limited, Gardville Limited Procurement Policy is to procure supplies in a way that enhances these companies’ ability to serve its customers to the standards laid out in these terms and to enhance long term profitability and sustainable growth Deca Durabolin Buy and repeat business for these businesses.

We are committed to conducting all procurement activities in an ethical and transparent way and in a way which achieve our company’s goals ad targets, as described below. Our Procurement Goals are to:

By accepting any booking from the above-named companies, you the supplier accept these terms supersede any terms and conditions you may operate under.

We apply the following:

• Always conduct all procurement activity with integrity.
• Make supplier selections based on transparent and objective criteria, free from personal interests, biases, or other untoward influences.
• Consider a variety of matters when evaluating potential suppliers, including cost, service delivery, risk management, legal and regulatory compliance, innovation, corporate social responsibility and sustainability, driver ability, vehicle specification, vehicle age. Vehicle size, vehicle luggage capacity
• Deliver value for money outcomes for the above companies in an ethical and sustainable way.
• Appropriately manage a range of supplier-related risks.
• Build relationships with preferred suppliers who understand the above companies listed needs and service levels offered to its clients and its general business needs.
• Ensure supplier diversity and effective supplier and contract management.
• Protect the reputation of the the above listed companies you are supplying and their clients, thus complying with all applicable laws and regulations about procurement activity and supplier engagement.

Supplier Code of Conduct The Supplier Code of Conduct highlights the above named companies expectations of suppliers (and their sub-contractors), generally in terms of business practices, and specifically with regard to:

• ethical supply and people practices. including alignment with our goals and objectives
• prevention of financial crime, including bribery and fraud.
• environmental responsibility.
• data protection and information security.
• health and safety.
• prevention on modern slavery

  • Non solicitation applies to any customer you are supplying on behalf of the above listed companies.
  • Non solicitation of any staff member who is employed by the above listed companies Directly or indirectly.

auditability and accountability. The above-named companies procure goods and services from many suppliers, nationally & internationally, and recognises that each supplier may have their own standards and policies. The above listed companies that precure your services expects all of its suppliers to meet the requirements set out in legislation and regulation affecting the supply of Road passenger transport governed by the DVSA and the Traffic Commissioners office for vehicles & drivers. These standards are obligatory and must be met at a minimum and adhered to at all times.

The Following Conditions May Apply:

To reiterate these terms, supersede any terms and conditions of the supplier.

By accepting any order, you accept these Terms/ Conditions and our supplier procurement policy.

These terms are written with the intention of ensuring that the above listed Companies and its clients receive a quality service they are paying for. The conditions and penalties below are designed to encourage a quality service delivery as standard. If the service is delivered to standard these penalties will not apply.

Waiting time only Applies and is chargeable after 45 Minutes of waiting after the schedule collection time and may not apply to all circumstances. and in most cases only applies if the length of day is extended. PLEASE CHECK WITH THE ALLOCATIONS TEAM.

Waiting time applies in 30 minute Increments

  • Waiting for 30 minutes in a minibus up to 16 seats is £25
  • Waiting for 30 minutes in a Midi-Coach 29-35 seat Is £30
  • Waiting for 30 minutes in a Coach 36-53 seat is £35
  • Waiting for 30 minutes in a Large coach 54- 63 seat is £40
  • Waiting for 30 Minutes in Double Decker 63 seats + is £50

Airport Collection. It is imperative that inbound flights are monitored, especially long hall flights. Airport collections can usually take up to 1 hour from the time the aircraft lands for the passengers to be in the terminal. Therefor waiting time will only be accepted after 75 minutes after the Aircraft has landed. And will apply as above

Refunds that apply:

  • Late arrival that does not include Force Majeure (circumstances beyond your control) 0-30 minutes late at collection point NO compensation.
  • Late arrival that does not include Force majeure (circumstances beyond our control) 30 Minutes – 75 Minutes late at collection point £75 compensation.
  • Late arrival that does not include Force majeure (circumstances beyond our control) 75 minutes- 120 minutes and above lateness £150 compensation.
  • Air Condition malfunction or failure that results in A/C not working at the start of Hire £50 Compensation. N.B. If the AC fails during the hire it is classed as circumstances beyond your control and as a result, compensation will not apply.
  • W/C (toilet) and servery malfunction or failure that results in W/C servery not working at the start of Hire £50 Compensation. N.B. If the W/C Servery fails during the hire it is classed as circumstances beyond your control and as a result, compensation will not apply.
  • Unclean vehicle including an unclean WC £50 Compensation
  • Inoperative WC including the toilet not being emptied prior to the journey start £50 Compensation. If WC fails during the hire it is classed as circumstances beyond our control and as a result, compensation will not apply.
  • Heating malfunction or failure that results in the heating not working at the start of Hire £50 Compensation. N.B. If the Heating fails during the hire it is classed as circumstances beyond our control and as a result, compensation will not apply.
  • Empty Auxiliary water for servery and WC at the start of the journey £50 compensation.
  • No hand towels, soap, toilet paper, sick bags and cleaning equipment for sickness and/spillage at the start of the journey £25 compensation.
  • In the unlikely event of a seat belt not working at the start of the journey and it is reported to the driver £25 compensation. Seatbelt failure during the hire it is classed as circumstances beyond your control and as a result, compensation will not apply.
  • If incorrect vehicle specification is supplied £100 compensation will apply
  • If the driver/s gets lost £50 compensation will apply
  • If a driver does not plan his/her route and encounters low bridges, width restrictions Trees narrow lanes. ETC. and must reroute £50 compensation will apply.

If A driver/operator who is supplying services to the above-named companies, feel it appropriate not to carry any of the passengers for any reason they are booked to carry. This must be discussed and agreed with the operations department of the above-named companies. The above-named companies’ operation department is available 24/7. It is imperative we do not leave any passengers behind, and all avenues need to be explored first to establish a solution to the reason passengers may be left behind. Failing to carry passengers and failing to discuss any issues with our 24/7 operations department, resulting in passengers being left behind will lead to a full refund being made by you the supplier back to the operating company, to allow the client/customer to be refunded.
If there is a valid reason to not carry passengers and it is discussed at the time of the transport is to be provided, no refund may apply.

By supplying the vehicle driver and service, you are formally agreeing to these terms and conditions outlined in this document available by link in your confirmation and in your log on area on our operational backend they are also available upon request.

Re: Any refunds that may apply. You will be will be invoiced accordingly after it has been agreed by all parties, invoices are to be paid immediately. If we are on an account, any refund invoices will be contra off any invoice amounts we owe you.

Please be aware by accepting this booking you accept that we reserve the right to cancel up to 24 hours before the service is due to be provided by you the supplier/operator, without being charged by you the supplier/operator. No charge or cancellation charge will be accepted If we cancel a booking outside 24 hours of the service that is due to be supplied by you the supplier/operator.
A cancelation charge is applicable from the supplier/operator to any of the above-named companies of 17.5% of the original hire charge by the supplier/operator, if a booking is cancelled within 24 hrs of the service is to be supplied.
N.B. if a service has been paid for and it is cancelled outside the 24hr period you the supplier/operator are to return this payment in full, without argument or delay. If it is cancelled within the 24-hour period, you are permitted to charge 17.5% of your original invoice value and any monies over paid are to be returned without argument or delay.

To protect the customer/end user. If you the operator cancels a job that has been accepted by you the operator, the above-named companies reserve the right to recharge you the operator the lost revenue If the booking cannot be honoured. or the difference between what we must pay to get the order covered and what you originally agreed when you accepted the booking.

Parking charges and airport drop off and collection charges are the responsibility of the supplier operator unless otherwise agreed in advance and in writing.
If we have booked a Vehicle to Stay at the destination venue, it is not permitted to leave to carry out any other work you may have, unless it is in writing and agreed by the allocations department in advance of the hire. If no such agreement the vehicle must stay.

Please aware that updates of these terms will happen from Time to time.
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